Tuesday, August 10, 2010

our exotic pets

Pythons (here, a Tiger Python) are more aggressive. Image: Weihbold
Besides dogs, hamsters and cats, there are other pets. Namely, amphibians and reptiles. Two representatives of the less cuddly species, a boa constrictor and a Aesculapian have, this week in Austria with their "escape attempt" duly kicked up dust.

The Mega Zoo in Leon Ding, a pet shop, which specializes in exotic species, it is mighty proud. A few days ago came the third time young freshwater stingrays to the world. In total, there are four "baby-rays" in the pet shop.

Dangerous for the young Rays are mainly the first day. "Once they are futterfest, so eat food, everything is ok," says store manager Erika Ernst. In the case of the young Rays food is earthworms and Gammarus offered to pets for sale and home use.

The freshwater stingray is the only pet in the Mega Zoo, from which one can say in principle, it is dangerous. "Rays have a sting," says Norbert Marschall Inger. Born in Pregartner is Managing Director of Mega Zoo Austria. "We should, however draufsteigen on him or have an allergic reaction to being stung, or to die."

Poison livestock in Austria - no na - the states. In Upper Austria it is for instance allowed. However, the operator must pass a test, requirements and conditions to undergo regular inspections. Exotic pets - or wild animals, it is said in the text - are permitted only on approval of the community. Say: All that is not house-or pet must be registered. Unfortunately, Karl knows Wampl, state health director of Upper Austria, there is also a dark figure of unreported, poisonous pets. "It's the same with the ten commandments, they do exist, but not everyone adheres to turn." Cases involving exotic pet sales in which a man had come to grief, knows not Wampl.

The panic, which was distributed last week, slipped away to the boa is incomprehensible to Erika Ernst. "A boa is not aggressive or poisonous," she says. "Also, do not eat children." Rather, she believes, it is the fear of the strange, the exotic, which makes people panic - that is a phobia for pets. Understandable, because who would want to, on the street or anywhere else come, unprepared for a three-meter long snake?

Quite harmless, however, was the boa not yet, warns Robert Riener, reptile curator of the house of the sea in Vienna. "With a three-meter-long constrictor is not to be trifled with: Toddlers fit perfectly into the scheme of prey. Adults, too, can a boa or a python be fatal. Three-meter-long constrictor snakes consist of about 20-30 kilograms of pure muscle mass. From their you can handle without help not free so easily. "

From a general prohibition of exotic - and toxic - animals will marshal Inger know nothing. "It's about the control mechanism. If it is ensured that the animals are kept safe and appropriate conditions for the people, then go from no danger. "Venomous pets are not sold in the Mega Zoo in Leon thing. "I think it would be irresponsible," said Marshal Inger.

Why all exotic animals are kept, Dieter Esterer, Aquaristikmanager white for Mega Zoo: "It is primarily the biological interest. Most pet owners go into great detail to inform themselves thoroughly about the animal, until they know all about it. Children in particular are very curious. A few weeks after they have so bought an animal, they already know all the technical terms. Which may require a very beautiful, so we must educate ourselves constantly. "

A major problem in housing is, however, the endurance. Many do not consider that the animals grow. Turtles, for example, when purchasing still small, but later need a 1000-liter tank. "If they are too large then the owners, they bring them in reception centers or put them out easily. The latter leads to a distortion of fauna. "

Events such as the one in Graz (Boa) or in Bad Ischl (Aesculapian) lead quickly to a flat prejudice. In addition, Boa was that which was captured on Thursday at the home of the keeper again, neither registered, nor was it kept under appropriate conditions. And that once again a "black sheep" will ensure that all holders a flat rate of exotic animals are lumped together suggests, so to some breeders. "Many conventional animals are also not considered appropriate to the species," says Erika Ernst.

The SPCA's "Four Paws' denoted the case of the constrictor escaped in Graz as one of many examples that showed that" exotic animals in private homes have lost nothing. " Director Johanna Stadler even calls for a ban and justified this by saying that required for an exotic large technical effort and that a majority of the buyers of these wild animals would have too little knowledge about their new roommate. "The danger posed by exotics is often predictable - there are wild animals, just like the lions are never completely tamed," said Stadler.

Habitats at risk

"Of course, like a terrarium or not the natural habitat of these animals. But the fact that many species would cease to exist, it would give the private operator not Nobody cares about. Many habitats have been destroyed by the people through deforestation, oil spills, etc., searching for gold. Species that have lost their habitat could be preserved only through the breeding. The natural habitat is getting smaller, that's a fact, and he is rapidly less, "says Esterer.

Once properly warmed up, Esterer forgets even his cigarette, which he has turned twenty minutes, and holds in his hand. He further argues: "In addition, those who keep exotic animals, sensitized to the problem of habitat destruction - as more and more people learn about it, and that's important. And, quite honestly, I am even though dog owners and enthusiasts, but every dog with seven kilograms is of more danger than a boa. And none of these animals - except the poisonous - are more dangerous than the local viper. "

Sales and trading of animals is toxic for the remainder Esterer an absurdity, because "that can be really dangerous if they escape and are considered unsafe. But fortunately such you find pets for sale that are less problematic.

The four young Rays in the excitement of course is vivarium care. You may later in particular an important that they are kept correctly and that the food fits. Properly hold is in their case, a pool with four square meters, at a depth of one meter. At least! So if there must be something more, feel the rays determined even better.